Living in Maine since 1988 Sarah Brandon pursues art endeavors in her home-based studio and continues a 30+ year career of hand-lettering, specializing in gilding on custom boats and small signs. Traveling for on-site assignments, she works surrounded by some of the most stunning landscapes in Coastal Maine, which in turn inspires her artwork. Sarah received her BFA in painting from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and her move to Maine was motivated by two ingredients necessary to feed her creative process: her love of the natural environment, as well as her desire to live in an area rich in arts and community spirit.
Custom Handlettering & Gilding
Custom Hand-Lettering and Gilding on Boats of All Sizes and Small Specially Made Signs! Visit more of this work in my Gallery here or Facebook page.

Repurposed mahogany boat cabin table to custom designed home sign with gold leaf, dark blue outline and painted compass rose